Autoloading Yii application classes in external scripts
Sometimes I want to have access to all of my classes in a Yii application externally.
Background jobs with PHP part 2
In this post, as promised, we’re going to implement a queue of jobs with Resque and Redis
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class with Yii
I am fairly new to PHP and Yii. Lately i struggled with a ‘cannot redeclare class’ error.
Background jobs with PHP part 1
A background job is a task that is executed ‘behind the scenes’ and without user intervention.
Configuring Tomcat to accept Estonian ID card
In order to accept Estonian ID card, Tomcat needs to be configured to accept client side certificates.
Setting up SSL on Apache
This article explains how to create an SSL certificate, get it signed and configure Apache web server
Configure SSL on Apache Tomcat
Here we are going to have a look at how to set up SSL on Apache Tomcat 7.0.
How to enable SSL listen port in Weblogic
Where to find the option in Weblogic console to enable SSL?
Programming tips and tricks #1
These are not necessarily related to the technical aspects of programming.