Running Spring Boot apps as GraalVM native images
GraalVM is a high-performance polyglot virtual machine. It’s ability to create ahead-of-time compiled native images considerably speed up Spring Boot startup times.
Misusing Java’s Optional type
Java’s Optional type has been criticised for its flaws. It’s also being used for things it was perhaps not designed. This post shows some situations where I think Optional is being misused.
How to Invalidate JSON Web Tokens
JWTs allow us to implement stateless authentication. We don’t have to query a central database to validate the token. But how do we invalidate them?
Rock-solid Consumer Driven Contract Testing Workflow With Pact
To make the most out of Pact, you should put some time into automation. This post will cover the steps you need to take to create a rock-solid workflow that helps you to reap the benefits of consumer driven contract testing.
Consumer Driven Contract Testing with Pact
Consumer driven contract testing is a method that can be used to verify that services speak the same language. It is an alternative to traditional integration testing that gives you faster feedback.
The Challenges of Testing Microservices
Microservices provide you with several benefits. But there’s no question that they introduce a new set of challenges, one of them being testing.
Serving React apps from Spring Boot
You’ve decided to build a wep app with React and want to use Spring Boot for the back end. This post will show you how to serve a React app from Spring Boot.
Structuring packages in Java web applications
Often times in Java web applications we see that the package structure indicates that a layered architecture is used. In this post we’re going to explore the ideas around what would happen if layers were not the topmost level of organization in an application architecture.
Improvements to Optional in Java 9
Java 9 introduced three new methods to the Optional class. This post covers what they do and how to use them.