Dealing With LWLock:LockManager Wait Events in Aurora Postgres

Learn how Postgres’ lock manager, lightweight locks, and fast-path locking work together—and what to do when LWLock:LockManager wait events slow down your system.
How to Safely Alter a Busy Table in Postgres

When altering busy tables in Postgres, acquiring the required locks can lead to application downtime if not handled carefully. This post explains the potential pitfalls of using ALTER TABLE on high-traffic tables, and provides strategies for minimizing disruptions.
Improve the Quality of Your Tests With Mutation Testing

Ever wondered if your tests are actually catching bugs as they should? Let’s dive into mutation testing, a clever technique that helps us validate the quality of our tests.
Accessing EC2 Instances with AWS SSM

Discover how to access your EC2 instances with AWS Systems Manager (SSM), eliminating the need for complex networking setups or SSH key management.
What’s inside the Nginx Ingress Controller?

This post explores the inner workings of the Nginx Ingress Controller and provides useful insights for application developers.
The Three Ways of DevOps

If you ask three people to describe DevOps, you’ll get four different answers. This post tries to shed some light on the meaning of DevOps by summarizing the key principles from The DevOps Handbook.
Pattern Matching for instanceOf in Java 14

Pattern matching capabilities added to the instanceOf operator in Java 14 is going to enhance the programming language.
Helpful NullPointerExceptions in Java 14

Helpful NullPointerExceptions in Java 14 improve NPE error messages by describing precisely which variable was null.
Java 14 Records

Java 14 introduces a new preview feature to the language—Records—with a goal to provide a compact syntax for declaring containers of shallowly immutable data.